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  • Global annual precipitation from 1970 to 2100 per land grid cell. The data is licensed under CC-BY. The IMAGE-team would appreciate to be involved in projects using the data. SSP scenarios are documented in: Energy, land-use and greenhouse gas emissions trajectories under a green growth paradigm,

  • Global monthly precipitation from 1970 to 2100 per land grid cell. The data is licensed under CC-BY. The IMAGE-team would appreciate to be involved in projects using the data. SSP scenarios are documented in: Energy, land-use and greenhouse gas emissions trajectories under a green growth paradigm,

  • Values of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) over The Netherlands. The period is 6 months

  • This dataset contains the data used for the following paper: "Climate state dependence of precipitation variability". The following variables are available on a monthly timescale: total precipitation (TP), convective precipitation (CP), large scale precipitation (LSP), evaporation (E), poleward moisture transport (MFatmos), two-metre temperature (T2M), surface temperature (SSTK), sea level pressure (MSL) and geostrophic wind (uwind and vwind). All variables are available for five quasi equilibrium simulations of 400 years length forced with a broad range of CO2 simulations (025xco2, 05xco2, control, 2xco2, 4xco2) from 50N-90N.

  • Values of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) over The Netherlands. The period is 1 month.

  • Values of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) over The Netherlands. The period is 3 months.

  • A gridded 50-member ensemble of precipitation forecasts that are created using a tree-based machine learning method, quantile regression forests, and inputs from the deterministic Harmonie-Arome (HA) forecasts. The target data set is rain-gauge-adjusted radar data that is upscaled by taking 3x3 km means and then a maximum is taken in a 7.5 x 7.5 km box. Inputs to the machine learning model include HA precipitation, and indices of atmospheric instability. Spatial and temporal dependencies are restored using the Schaake Shuffle. Forecasts are available during the extended summer period (mid-April to mid-October). Hourly forecasts are issued 4 times per day (00, 06, 12 en 18 UTC) for 48-hours into the future.

  • Dataset containing hourly data files provided by Ruisdael Observatory's Metek Micro Rain Radar (SN 0513108314) placed at Westmaas. Time interval of measurements is 10 seconds and the range resolution is preferred to be set to 35 meters.

  • Dataset containing hourly data files provided by Ruisdael Observatory's Metek Micro Rain Radar (SN 0513108322) placed at Slufter. Time interval of measurements is 10 seconds and the range resolution is preferred to be set to 35 meters

  • Dataset containing hourly data files provided by Ruisdael Observatory's Metek Micro Rain Radar (SN 0510056436) placed at The Green Village (Van Den Broekweg 4, 2628 CR Delft). Time interval of measurements is 10 seconds and the range resolution is preferred to be set to 35 meters; however, data between 2020-11-09 and 2021-11-06 presents a 25m resolution. Compared with version 1, data will Drop Size Distribution spectra variable, as the instrument's firmware has been update to a newer version (v2.0.23). Notes: Being The Green Village a test site, there could be some effect on the quality and availability of the data.