CORINE: Veranderingen in landgebruik in Nederland tussen 1986 en 2000.
Het bestand bevat de veranderingen in landgebruik tussen 1986 en 2000. Eenheden kleiner dan 5 ha komen niet voor. Het bestand geeft de veranderingen in CORINE landgebruik weer tussen het CLC00 en CLC90 bestand.
referenties: 1.Hazeu, G.W. CORINE Land Cover database of the Netherlands. Monitoring Land Cover Changes between 1986 and 2000. Alterra, the Netherlands
2. Thunnissen, H.A.M. and Middelaar, H.J. van, 1995. The CORINE Land Cover database of the Netherlands. Final report of the CORINE Land Cover project in the Netherlands. Report 78. Alterra, the Netherlands
3.EEA and ETC-TE, 2002. CORINE Land Cover update I&CLC2000 project. Technical Guidelines. Final Version. EEA, Denmark
- Unique resource identifier
- Status
- Completed
GEMET - Themes, version 2.4
- Date (Revision)
- 2003-12-31
- Point of contact
organisationName electronicMailAddress role EEA- European Environment Agency
Owner Wageningen Environmental Research
- Use limitation
- Use limitation
a) not to use the data for commercial purposes;
b) to acknowledge the source of the data in all publications and applications;
c) to help improve the quality of the data by noting and reporting any errors or omissions discovered;
d) to help improve the quality of the Data Service by giving feed back on functionalities and data packaging the data provided;
e) to help improve the co-ordinated use of data by informing EEA staff about applications which use data from the Data Service;
f) to help improve the efficiency of environmental reporting by supplying the EEA with documented digital copies of data and information derived from EEA data so that it can be re-used by the Agency with reference to the source;
g) to supply the EEA with a copy of /URL to all publications and other products based on the datasets;
- Use constraints
- Copyright
- Access constraints
- Intellectual property rights
Legal constraints
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Copyrighthouder: Wageningen Environmental Research, EEA
- Denominator
- 100000
- Metadata author
organisationName electronicMailAddress role Wageningen Environmental Research
